Thursday, October 9, 2008

So cute!!

Every night when we sit down to eat dinner we say a prayer. Since Tyler has gotten a little older he likes to say the prayer also. We now have to let each of them say their own prayer. It really is sweet. I just wanted to share a couple of things the kids have said / prayed for recently.

Kaylee constantly prays for safe travel for Amanda. We have been wondering who Amanda was and just found out it is her teachers daughter who goes to school at Auburn. Apparently her teacher prays for her during their prayer time at school. Then the other night she said (and I quote) "Dear Lord, please help me eat my ham"!!!!! How cute is that?!?!

One night last week we were eating (after saying our 2 prayers) and Tyler screams "GOD MADE ME"!!!!! Holy cow - it absolutely melted my heart!!! And when he prays he closes his eyes as tight as he possibly can folds his hands and squeezes them just as tight and his prayer goes something like this: "God r Fodder, God r Fodder hmmm, hmmm, Amen"


Anonymous said...

Those are cute!! Kids prayers are always the sweetest because they are so genuine. We could learn a lot from them!

Miss you,

Bama Belle said...

That is so precious. What blessings they are. Those Prayers will be the sounds you cherish. Take care