Tuesday, September 2, 2008

No Tears....

Well, today was the first day of school for the kids. Not real school but Children's Day Out from 9:00 - 2:00. So, we pull up to the car line to drop Kaylee off, and everything goes smooth. The teacher comes and opens her door, unbuckles her and she hops out. She proceeds into the church building like the big girl that she thinks she is. I was a little sad to see her act so grown up but I didn't tear up. Next, we go across the parking lot and park to take Tyler into his class. As we are driving through the parking lot, I saw several moms crying. I felt so guilty because I was so relieved to finally have them both out of my hair for 5 hours!!!!!!!! I felt like a terrible mother. I did miss them once I got home, but I got so much laundry and cleaning done!!

They both had a great day and I got good reports from both of their teachers. They are sound asleep now which is huge for us. They normally don't go to bed until at least 10:30. I don't think they have been in the bed and asleep by 9:00 since they were newborns. :o)


Bama Belle said...

That is awesome! I hope they continue to have wonderful days at school. Give them big hugs from all of us and tell them Olivia & Orren want them to come and play soon!