Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My kids were extremely funny today....

Most school mornings in our house are an absolute train wreck!! This morning was no exception. The kids fought from the time their little feet hit the floor until Kaylee got out of the car at car line. Needless to say, I was a little frazzled by the time we left our house. I always have to fight with Kaylee about what she is going to wear. This morning she didn't understand why I wouldn't let her wear her new "dress up" dress we brought back from New York. I finally talked her into a cute outfit and got her ready. Tyler is usually my easy one to dress. However, this morning he not only insisted on doing it by himself, we didn't see eye to eye on the shoes he was going to wear. I had picked out Sperry's that went nicely with his red Polo shirt and khaki shorts. He picked out his green frog rain boots. Guess what - he won!! I guess he just caught me in a weak moment. The bad thing was when we got to school everybody told him how cute he looked!!!!!!! Ugh!!!!!

This afternoon after we got home from school the kids were outside playing and Kaylee walks in the door and says "congratulations mom, Tyler has poop!!!!!!!" Where in the world did she get that from?? Then tonight we were at Target and I asked our very pregnant cashier when her baby was due. She said she was having a boy and he was due in 3 weeks. I finished paying and as we were walking to the car Kaylee asked if it was going to be 7 or 10. When I asked her what she was talking about she said "mommy, her tummy was so big I didn't know if she was having 7 babies or 10 babies!!!" She is always coming up with funny sayings that make me laugh!!

I think days like today are just God's way of saying let them be little and enjoy every minute!!


Bama Belle said...

I agree and try to savor every moment. Hope you had a great trip!

Anonymous said... cute! I bet Tyler did look pretty cute in his rain boots though :0) Have you thought about picking out a few outfits the night before and then letting Kaylee pick from those in the mornings? May help with the chaos.

Busy momma said...

Clay has worn his rain boots (green froggy ones!!) to school before too- everyone loved it :)
Treasure each got it sister!! BTW, I took some stuff to the Kids Market drop off this am- can't believe I did it!!

Anonymous said...

That is too funny; Sophie always pics out the uggliest shoes to wear and I cave in often.

Jill said...

Hey Julie!! Thanks for your sweet comment. Things are good up here so far, just getting settled in. I loved reading your blog! Your kids are so precious!